Stone Lang is the founder of a new design studio. Him and 3 other partners work together to help customers realize their dreams in the form of interior and architectural designs.

Stone Lang is the founder of a new design studio. Him and 3 other partners work together to help customers realize their dreams in the form of interior and architectural designs.

What do you think is the most challenging part?

I am not doing the designing myself, but instead, I am helping the owner realize his idea. There is a very big difference. Because working on a project is a very long process, we need to build a relationship of mutual trust. When you help the owner make the design, you must first consider if it is worth the time and the amount of money needed to achieve the product. The designer has to really understand and balance all factors for a piece of work.

Why did you choose to be an interior designer?

That has to do with my earliest art training. When I was a child in Beijing, I started learning how to paint. Later, I came to the United States and studies architecture. Then I became very interested in crafts, painting, and sculpture. My first job was actually at a home studio. It was upstairs, where we drew and designed customer home products. Working on a lot of indoor related projects made me get more into with the industry and I started doing interior design.

What part of interior designing do you think is the most interesting?

For many projects, it takes at least a year to complete. But for things like hotels, it takes 5 or 6 years. That’s a very long time, and in that time, we have to have a very clear direction in figuring out what we want and how we can complete the project. It is a relatively long term thing, and we encounter problems along the way including designing, how to implement the design, and how we can push a better idea to the owner. You have to be very persistant about what you believe in in order for the final results to be good.

What part do you think is the most challenging when communicating with customers?

I think the most important thing is to realize that we are not designing for ourselves; we are designing for the customer. You need to build up trust, especially when it comes to solving problems. Because projects usually take a long time, you need to convince them that this is worthwhile. Sometimes, you don’t have a good budget for a project, but you still have to ensure that the design is completed well under these circumstances.

What is the most challenging part of opening an interior design studio yourself?

There are four of us working together, each with our own set of professional skills. I am in charge of interior design, another partner is responsible for architectural design, one is responsible for branding and graphics, and the last one is our designer who also manages us. Starting your own business is different from working in a large company. It involves talking to a lot of different people and other tasks such as information management, time management, PR, financing, etc. Our company is still in the process of growing.

Our special feature is that we include both architectural and graphic designs. We can provide a complete package of designs.

What are your plans for the future?

We want to do more, and get more exposure on social media because it will help us meet new customers. It can also help broaden our network and platform. We want to have more social value so others in the industry know what we are doing.










我们是有四个合伙人,然后每一个人都具有自己的专业技能,是不可分开的。我是负责室内设计这边,还有一个合伙人他是负责建筑设计,还有一个他是负责branding,graphic,还有一个人是我们的设计师,也是同时负责管理,这个组合大部分都来自于一个设计师的背景。我们之前包括现在都在不同的大公司里面做过事情,这个背景然后你进入了一个自己创业,开展自己业务的一个工作模式之后,肯定有一些不同的工作方式会产生。这里面会涉及到花费很多时间去跟不同的人去交流。比如谈判,跟室内的工人进行交流,然后包括跟业主,怎么样能都够把一个很好的概念设计告诉他们,同时做下来。因为我们都是出自于一个设计师背景下的人,之前做图,设计都可以。然后突然间我们需要改变角色。我们需要花很多时间去做information management, time management ,cost management, pr ,finance我觉得实际上会把你的精力分成很多块。我觉得着实际上来讲,我们还是在一个成长的过程。我们不会跟以前一样,只是在office里面做设计。我们现在会不停的面对不同的人,比如跟建筑师,灯光设计师去沟通等等。



我们在想去做,更多的接触social media,因为social media对于我们来讲更多的是认识新的客户。建立一个更广阔的工作平台。我希望就是我们不仅是为一个客户来做设计。我们需要更多的social value,我们可能更多的去瓤同类的设计师,在这个行业上的人知道我们在做什么。我们没有在这方面。
