Rong Xiao is a two time participant of NYFW who had her work displayed at MoMa Ps1, and featured in Vogue. It is also often borrowed by a lot of domestic and foreign magazines and celebrities.

Rong Xiao is a two time participant of NYFW who had her work displayed at MoMa Ps1, and featured in Vogue. It is also often borrowed by a lot of domestic and foreign magazines and celebrities.

How did you get involved?

When I was 15 or 16 years old, my parents wanted me to go to a famous school, but I wasn’t doing that well in my classes. I hoped to get into a good university, and my parents were in the fashion industry, so I thought maybe I can do that too. Through my parents, I went to art class where I learned how to sketch and gouache. Maybe it’s because I never studied art as a child that I had a sense of freshness when it came to materials, techniques, and forms of painting. From the beginning, the teacher liked me a lot. Through the teacher’s encouragement and affirmation, I chose to follow this path.

What impressed you most in your studies?

That would be when I first came to Parsons. I wasn’t used to being in New York, and everything here was far from how I imagined it to me, especially in the education system. It was harder than I expected. After working on my first project from 9am to 10pm, my hands were stiff and bruised.

What differences did you notice between the education system in US versus China?

In China, there is a lot of theoretical studies and history. The classes are also slower. There are some demonstrations done by the teacher, and when we work on our own projects, we make sure that everything is as we want it before putting it on the real fabric or paper. But in the US, they advocate hands-on experiments. We do so by buying second-hand clothes, or white leather so we can directly use the medium to shape what we want. There’s also unlimited paper. It is quite wasteful.

Have you tried to integrate environmental protection concepts into your design process to limit waste?

When I was an undergraduate, I would consider environmental protection. I used recyclable plastics or other renewable resources to make clothes. However, in the US, our MFA education philosophy was to practice more to discover our identity.

Do you think parents have an influence on your design philosophy or artistic ideas, did they recommend art works or designs to you?

They gave me some influence on the aesthetic, especially when I first entered the business because I didn’t understand anything at the time. However, they don’t do it now.

Do you have a designer that you particularly like? What is his/her inspiration for you?

Kawakubo is a designer I liked. I think I really use her work to guide and enlighten me. Because she doesn’t know how to make clothes, she only gives her assistants and designers several keywords each season, a very abstract concept for them to achieve. To me, that is original. Inspiration comes from a feeling in oneself, so she helped me a lot before I started making my own clothes.

Where does your design inspiration come from? How long does the design process take?

I like to study by myself on what I am most interested in at the time. While studying, I select keywords that could represent how I feel that that time. Sometimes I go see movies, read books, or go on trips in response to these moods or state I am in before proceeding to imagine and realize these concepts. Then I think of some verb keywords, so that this action can help shape the clothes.

There are often a lot of exaggerated designs in fashion shows that we don't understand. As a designer, what do you see that is different from us?

The designs on the show floor is an extreme expression of inspiration and concept so that the designers can attract attention. Although the fashion industry has many deep-set concepts, they are relatively superficial. For those of us who are new to fashion, the important thing fashion shows are trying to do is get exposure and establish a connection with other people in the fashion industry such as stylists, models, and photographers.

How do you feel about the industry? How do you feel about yourself as a designer?

This is a difficult industry, and it is not easy to stick to it. Designing is not something that any one can do. There is a lot to is such as contacting producers to look for sponsors. It also requires a lot of communication skills. The design process for a season takes at least eight months, so it is difficult to keep up with the international rhythm.

Which cities do you think are more conducive to the development of designers?

I think there are certain cities abroad that are more suitable for development. In New York, there is already a commercial foundation. It helps to gather talented people from all walks of life around the world, and you are able to explore more freely here. In contrast, the possibility for diversification in a place like Europe is relatively small. But in places like Shanghai and Zhejiang, there are a lot of garment factories, so it allows for advantages in production costs.

As a designer, how do you view the mainstream idea of beauty?

I don’t think there should be a definition for beauty. Instead, designers should focus more on how to help different bodies and genders discover their own beauty. I’ve done some designs using elastic fabric for clothing that is suitable to be worn by men and women of any size. Some designers during Fashion Week bring in amateurs such as the elderly, so that is a good sign. That is what I would like to see more of. I imagine that for my own fashion show, I want to have men and women, fat and skinny, tall and short.

If you didn’t become a fashion designer, what would you do instead?

I want to be a traveler or a photographer who travels the world, although that is unrealistic. More realistically, I would want to open my own coffee shop or bar because that gives me more control over how I spent my time.

Lastly, what do you think helped you get to this point in your career?

I think that one must be open to accept other people’s suggestions, especially the guidance of your teacher. For example, if your teacher asks for 80 points, you must do twice that amount. But also be humble, because there are always people who are better than you. And if photographers or magazines ask to borrow clothes from you, be polite. This is a rare opportunity, so you must have a sincere attitude.















在Fashion Show上经常会有很多夸张的设计,我们不太能理解。但是你作为设计师,你们从中看到的是什么,会不会与我们不一样?

秀场上的设计是灵感与概念极端的展现,这样他们才能吸引眼球,同时品牌也可以出借给杂志作为一种营销方式。虽然时尚行业有很多深层次的概念,但是在曝光的那一刻还是相对表面的。而对于我们初出茅庐的人来讲,Fashion Show很重要的一点就是曝光,并实现我们从学校到社会的转化,与时尚行业中的其他人,比如说:stylist,model,photographer建立一定的联系。










