The creative minds and dedicated manpower behind the number 1 bar in North America | GN Chan



Co-founder of Double Chicken Please

2016 Bacardi Legacy Global Cocktail Competition Winner

For me, Mixology is more like design than art. A cocktail is designed to be consumed, so you have to enable people to experience it from its presentation, taste, texture, etc. Art is often distant from its audience; it can be conceptual and the artist doesn’t always need to be fully understood. Design is different in that in needs to serve a purpose and connect with its users. Cocktails, like food, needs to be consumed. For instance, you can’t create a shitty cocktail and claim it as “Art”. Cocktails start with a concept. Then you need to figure out the form, understanding the materials and the story or concept that you want the cocktail to convey. For instance, Kaiseki Ryori presents the change of season through a complex course of food and drink.

I am currently working on opening a bar in New York called, “Double Chicken Please”. I am also preparing for a Pop-up bar, driving across the country in my mid century caravan. Once the bar is open, I want to drive this pop-up bar all the way to Canada and back.

目前正在酬備在纽约新开一家酒吧,叫做Double Chicken Please“两只鸡麻煩了”,是一個以“駭客精神”的設計手法來重新解構重組我們習慣的飲食。除了店以外还有一些其他的小项目,比如我现在開著我的小巴士一面旅行一面做POP-UP,既是宣傳也是體驗更多的人事物。未來也希望繼續創造更多新的互動與有趣的餐飲體驗。
